Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Sun Mobility
Monday, 7 December 2009
Shopmobility Lose Scooter to an Imposter
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Motability Operations to Take Over Mobility Scooter Scheme
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Pride Colt XL8

Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Off Road Powerchair

Wednesday, 21 October 2009
TGA Breeze: The Roll Royce of Scooters

Saturday, 17 October 2009
A Week in Mobility Scooters
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Mobility Scooter Price Match
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
TGA Breeze and Pride Colt Price Match
- TGA Breeze 3 and 4
- Freerider Royale
- TGA Supersport
- Pride Colt XL8 and Colt Deluxe
- Electric Mobility 3,4,6 and 8
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
TGA Vita Continued...

Friday, 25 September 2009
TGA Vita: a First Look

I'm going to put my cards on the table: it was love at frst sight. Up till now I thought nothing could touch the NHC Royale when it came to styling, but this beats it hands down. Both scooter have clearly based their shape on modern mopeds but While the Royale was supremely elegant in its three wheel incarnation, the four wheel model appears to be a bit of a fudge.This is not the case for the TGA Vita, it was clearly designed as a four wheel scooter and as yet there appears to be no plans to make a three wheel version.
It may come as no surprise to discover that this mobility scooter is manufactured by Heartway Mobility, the same company that build the Royale, although it does beg a couple of questions: first, why didn't it get picked up as part of the NHC range? And second, why have they manufactured something that is so clearly aimed at the Royale's target market (the RRP of the Vita will £3,995, easily within the same price band)? While these questions are interesting to scooter nerd they are irrelevant to the average consumer, who can only benefit from the competition of two companies offering such high quality mobility scooters.
Tomorrow I will put up some more pictures and go into some more of the technical details that make this scooter so special, but for now you can check out TGA Vita specifications at Value Mobility.
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Mobility Scooter Madness in Gravesend
Strange things going on in Gravesend (as ever?). A young able bodied lad is causing a bit of a stir with his mobility scooter. Sam Scutts, a 17 year old media student, has taken to travelling around town on a second hand mobility scooter. This wouldn't have been much of a story if the local constabulary hadn't decided scooter riding was anti social behavior. While driving through Gravesend town cenre in June young Mr Cutts was pounced on by five, yes five, members of the local plod.
"They threatened to arrest me for dangerous driving, add three points to my provisional driving licence, tow away the scooter and fine me £110", said Sam.
"I was shocked by the police reaction because I was not doing anything wrong.
"I wasn’t driving dangerously, I was driving around people and stopping to let them pass, and the fastest I can go is walking pace.
"And there’s nothing illegal about me driving the scooter - I checked and its not against the law to drive one if you’re not disabled."
The story has a happy ending though, as after hearing of his plight a local garage took pity on him and his rather tatty looking scooter and "pimped his ride", buffing and filling the body work and adding a rather snazzy blue paint job.
Sam said: "It looks like a new scooter, I was shocked when I first saw it.
"It is electric blue all over, and all the panels have been rebuilt.
"We’re not sure what we’re going to do with it. We might auction it for charity."
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Mablethorpe 'Daleks' bite back
Friday, 28 August 2009
Mobility Scooters For the Life You Want To Lead
A great look at some of the exciting new (and not so new) 8mph mobility scooters available.
Mobility Scooters For the Life You Want To LeadThursday, 20 August 2009
We Interupt This Broadcast...
... for a quick advertisment.
If you are looking for a mobility scooter you could do far worse than try Value Mobility. There prices are second to none, and their service so far has proved to be excellent.
We now return to our scheduled programming...
Mobility Scooter Tricks
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
An Alternative to the Pride Go Go Travel Scooter?
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Stay out my way fool!
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Facebook Not Exactly a Friendly Place for Scooter Users
- F**KING MOBILITY SCOOTERS ! Quote: "Please stay at home and die, as is the natural order of things"
- Mobility scooters should be banned Quote: "YOUR JUST FAT PEOPLE YOU AINT GOT A DISEASE!!!"
- i hate people mobility scooters Quote: "dont u just hate the old fogeys? think they have right of way in shopping precincts, worse than bloody taxi drivers."
New just in: Mobility Scooters are "Leisure Vehicles"
Mobility scooters for the disabled are likely to increase in price after a change in their tax classification to “leisure vehicles” by Brussels. The new designation puts the electric vehicles in the same category as golf buggies and racing cars and will mean extra import duty for those made outside the European Union.
Monday, 29 June 2009
Is this the Coolest 8mph Scooter on the Planet?